No one can deny that generations are different on many levels. We have different lifestyles, habits, characteristics, needs, etc. This generational gap should be taken into consideration in almost every field, and coaching is no different. In order to create a successful coaching program, coaches should pay attention to the characteristics that distinguish every generation.
According to ICF, the typical coaching client is between 35 and 44 years old. Older generations have a greater interest in coaching than younger generations.
Here’s why young people are not as present in the coaching industry!
Financial obstacles
Getting certified to become a coach or hiring a coach costs more money than most young people can afford. Even if they are interested in becoming certified coaches , most of them wouldn’t afford the programs. It is, therefore, important to build programs or training that are affordable for the youth, in order to attract their attention and show them that they have a place in the coaching world.
Here at Excellentia we offer a program that is targeted to young people who may not be able to afford the complete certification program. It is designed to introduce coaching to the youth and include them.
Are they not interested or are they just not included?
The overall discourse of coaches is mainly addressed to a specific age category. However, coaches should reflect upon age differences when looking for potential clients or coaching young people. According to ICF, the challenges coaches face in intergenerational settings are mainly rooted in the limitations coaches themselves create. Intergenerational interactions are dictated by the stereotypical attitudes society has towards each generation. It is, therefore, important to keep in mind the generational gap when promoting coaching services without considering it an unshakable barrier.
For better intergenerational coaching, coaches should engage with the youth more often:
Engaging the younger generations
Younger generations have different concerns and perspectives. Coaches need to create a voice that resonates with the different age categories. They need to keep in mind that in order to attract young people’s attention, they must highlight issues that matter to them. That can be done through tailoring some of their social media content to young users. For instance, creating content about finding your purpose and identifying what you want to do professionally.
Here at Excellentia, we share content that is relevant to young people on our social media. Check out our videos here!
Millennials and Career Coaching
Millennials have a sense of urgency for career development, they expect and aspire for a clear path of success. According to the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America report, 76% of Millennials consider work as a source of stress. They may, therefore, resort to career coaching more than life coaching. Coaching is the key to empowering potential and helping individuals identify their goals. That’s what most young people need; they need assurance and certainty in this ever changing world. They need to know where they stand and where they should head next and that’s something career coaches can facilitate.
In order to create a coaching business that works across generations, coaches need to consider intergenerational differences. They need to engage with young people and make sure they are included.